There are three steps in the WMRC application process
- Contact our scheduling coordinator via email (wmrcinfo@ucla.edu) or telephone (760-873-4344) to discuss your visit and proposed dates.
- Submit an application in UCNRS RAMS.
- Fill out an online reservation request. Confirm your arrival and departure dates, numbers of people, assets to be used (lodging only, room and board, classroom use, etc…).
NOTE: RAMS 2.0 is being deactivated on Sunday, March 23rd, 2025. All new projects and reservations must be submitted via RAMS 3.0, please email the scheduling coordinator for the new URL.
You will be asked to provide your name, contact information, institutional affiliation and a password. After logging in, choose the appropriate form: Research, University or College Class, or Public (for workshops, retreats, etc.).
Remember the password used to make the original application. You will need it to re-open the application form to make changes. If you lose your password or have other difficulties, please contact the WMRC office by phone (760-873-4344) or e-mail the scheduling coordinator.