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- Call WMRC in Bishop at (760) 873-4344
- Call WMRC Operations Manager, Steven DeVanzo at: (760) 937-3525
Owens Valley Station
Instructions: When you call for help, give these directions:
Geolocation: (37°21’38”N / 118°19’36”W)
Directions: 4 miles east of downtown Bishop on East Line Street. WMRC is the only address on East Line Street once you pass the Bishop cemetery.
After calling 911 (emergencies only), contact WMRC staff in the main office.
Owens Valley Station
Phone: (760) 873-4344
Crooked Creek Station
Instructions: When you call for help, give these directions:
Geolocation: (37°29’57”N / 118°10’19”W)
Directions: Drive north on White Mountain road. About 10 miles from Highway 168 the pavement ends at Schulman Grove. Continue north on dirt road another 9.5 miles until the junction with the road to Crooked Creek. This junction is marked with a sign. Turn right and drive east on this road just over 1 mile and the Crooked Creek station will come into view.
After calling 911 (emergencies only), contact WMRC staff at Crooked Creek, or call WMRC staff in Bishop (760-873-4344).
Crooked Creek
Phone: (516)816-2512, this line is on a data plan use for emergencies only.
Barcroft Station
Instructions: When you call for help, give these directions:
Geolocation: (37°34’59” N / 118°14’14” W)
Directions: Barcroft Station is located at the intersection of White Mountain Road and the Crooked Creek road. Continue northon the White Mountain Road. Drive 7 miles to the gate. Open the gate and proceed 2 more miles to Barcroft Station. Barcroft is in a remote location in Mono County, accessible via roads in Inyo County.
After calling 911 (emergencies only), contact WMRC staff at Barcroft Station or call WMRC staff in Bishop (760-873-4344).
WMRC Contact Numbers
- Steven DeVanzo, Operations Manager (760) 937-3525
- Owens Valley Station (760) 873-4344
- Crooked Creek Station (516) 816-2512
Community Contacts
- Bishop Fire Dept: (760) 873-5485
- Bishop Police Dept: (760) 873-5866
- Inyo County Sheriff: (760) 878-0383
- Mono County Sheriff: (760) 932-7549
- California Highway Patrol in Bishop: (760) 872-5960
- Poison Control Center: (800) 222-1222
- US Forest Service Patrol Stan Overholt (760) 937-4480
- US Forest Service Inyo National Forest (760) 873-2400
- LADWP Trouble Reporting (760) 387-2400
- Department of Fish & Game (760) 872-1171
- Mono County Search and Rescue (760) 932-7549
- Inyo County Search and Rescue (760) 878-0323
For minor injuries, use first aid kits located in the station buildings, and report the injury to the reserve staff. For life-threatening situations or severe injuries, call 911 immediately.
If this is not possible, stabilize the victim (see first aid instructions in kits located in station buildings), making them as comfortable as possible (remember, it may get cold at night and hot in the day if you are to leave them for any length of time). Carefully note the location of the victim and call 911 immediately. Remember to mark your trail and/or otherwise facilitate returning to the victim. For injuries which are less severe, or if no other help is available, there are emergency first aid supplies in the first aid kits. Please inform WMRC staff if you have used any first aid supplies.
In case of a small fire, use fire extinguishers to try and put out the fire if feasible. If the fire is large and/or out of control, or if you can’t see because of smoke, alert all persons in the vicinity by honking car horns, evacuate to main parking lots or other safe places and call 911 immediately.
In the event of a chemical spill or if you encounter questionable substances in or around the laboratories, contact WMRC Operations Manager. A chemical spill clean-up kit is available in the Manis lab at OVL. For life-threatening situations or severe injuries, call 911 immediately.
Do not confront trespassers or poachers. If it seems appropriate, you may inform them about the Research Center and its programs. As soon as possible, inform WMRC staff of the situation, or call 911 if appropriate. Game Wardens may be reached at 760-872-1171.