RAMS: The UCNRS team has been working diligently after much beta testing to launch RAMS 3, which includes revised features that require more hands-on use from applicants. The platform will launch Sunday, March 23rd, 2025. After that date, RAMS 2.0 will not be accessible WMRC staff plans to provide tutorial material to users to ease the transition from RAMS 2.
For questions or concerns about RAMS please contact our Scheduling Coordinator at wmrcinfo@ucla.edu
RATES: WMRC expects to roll out new user rates in April 2025. These new rates are a reflection of current financial conditions. Mind you we have delayed rate increases for three years.
The approved rates will be posted on our website when they are available. All services rendered after the date of implementation will be subject to the new 2025 rates. Rates will be adjusted in user reservations once they go into effect.
For questions or concerns please contact our Operations Manager at sdevanzo@ucla.edu