
RATE CATEGORIES (effective April 1st, 2025)

  1. University of California
  2. CA public educational institutions (CSU, Community College, K-12), Government entities
  3. Other educational institutions, Non-profit organizations
  4. Business/commercial entities
Owens Valley Station 1234
Room & Board, per person per night$53$66$80$100
Lodging only, per person per night$28$35$49$70
Lab space, per week or any part thereof$54$68$87$98
Animal Building Space, per week or any part thereof$73$92$116$147
Outside project space large, per wk. or any part thereof,  >4’x4’$63$79$110$136
Outside project space small, per wk. or any part thereof, <4’x4’$42$53$67$90
Crooked Creek Reserve 1234
Room & Board, per person per night$64$81$97$126
Lab space, per week or any part thereof$94$118$137$196
Animal Building Space, per week or any part thereof$93$117$136$201
Outside project space large, per wk. or any part thereof,  >4’x4’$63$79$110$136
Outside project space small, per wk. or any part thereof, <4’x4’$33$41$53$66
Barcroft Station 1234
Room & Board, per person per night$73$92$107$139
Lab space, per week or any part thereof$94$118$137$196
Animal Building Space, per week or any part thereof$93$117$136$201
Outside project space large, per wk. or any part thereof,  >4’x4’$63$79$110$136
Outside project space small, per wk. or any part thereof, <4’x4’$33$41$53$66
Other Rates1234
Classroom, Whole Day (no chg. w/ concurrent, min. 3 people lodging)$131$53$67$90
Office Space, all sites, per week or any part thereof$71$89$104$139
Storage space large, all sites, per month or any part thereof,  >4’x4’$22$111$138$186
Storage space small, all sites, per month or any part thereof,  <4’x4’$42$53$67$90
Staff Assistance, per hour$71$89$104$139
Animal Technician, per hour$40$50$60$74
Vehicle use (by prior arrangement)
Mileage charge$4.00$5.04$6.31$8.27
Summit transport from Barcroft Station, per round trip, plus staff time$119$151$179$245
(Private Vehicles are not permitted beyond Barcroft)
Additional meal without lodging$19$24$32$36
Day Use, all sites, per day, per person$10$12$15$20
Dining Room, OVS only, per day$62$78$86$105
Kitchen Use, OVS only, per week$71$90$103$126

A downloadable PDF can be found HERE.