
Rate Categories

  1. University of California
  2. California public educational institutions (CSU, Community Colleges, K-12); Government entities
  3. Other educational institutions; non-profit organizations
  4. Business/commercial entities (not personal use)






Owens Valley Station

Room & Board (no linens), per person per night $50$60$72$90
Lodging only, per person per night$25$30$42$60
Lab space (no charge with concurrent lodging) per week$37$44$56$63
Outdoor project space (per week)$24$29$40$50
Classroom space (no charge with concurrent lodging) per half-day$36$43$50$60
 Animal Building Space, per week or any part thereof  $70$83 $105 $133

Crooked Creek Station

Room & Board (no linens), per person per night $56$67$80$105
Lab space (no charge with concurrent lodging) per week$90$107$124$178
Outdoor project space (per week)$56$67$77$105
Classroom space (no charge with concurrent lodging)per half-day$36$43$50$60
 Animal Building Space, per week or any part thereof  $70$83 $105 $133

Barcroft Station

Room & Board (no linens), per person per night $64$76$90$119
Lab space (no charge with concurrent lodging) per week$90$107$124$178
Outdoor project space (per week)$56$67$77$105
Classroom space (no charge with concurrent lodging) per half-day$36$43$50$60
Animal building space, per week or any part thereof$83$99$115$170

Summit Hut

Not available for lodging

Other Rates


Office Space (with or without concurrent lodging) all sites, per week


Storage all sites, per month


Staff Assistance, per hour

(including cleaning rates)
Animal technician, per hour $31$37$44$55

Vehicle Use (by prior arrangement)

Mileage Charge





Summit transportation from Barcroft, by prior arrangement, per round trip, plus staff time. Private vehicles are not permitted beyond Barcroft.

Additional meal without lodging $15$18$26$27