Station Policy

UC WMRC will not allow access to its facilities until an annual USER APPLICATION has been approved by WMRC Staff and copies of all necessary annual permits (e.g., animal use, USFS, BLM, etc.) have been secured. There are limitations on how the station may be used. We do not accept applications for personal or recreational use (that includes birthday parties, retirement parties, or vacations). We do not provide employee housing to outside agencies. You must provide a project summary and have active institutional support. The UC WMRC’s mission is to support research and teaching in the region.

Applicants should carefully review our ratesrules & regulations, advisory notices and WMRC open data sharing policy, which requires researchers to register their project’s metadata, before deciding to apply. Lab users should review the lab safety instructions.

Applications/reservations must be submitted in the UC Natural Reserve System (UCNRS) reservation database (RAMS) at least 10 business days in advance of arrival date. Last-minute reservations may not be approved. Reservations are honored on a first come first serve basis. Reservations are not official until they are approved in RAMS. Before submitting a reservation, check with the WMRC Scheduling Coordinator (not RAMS) for the availability of the requested dates at (760) 873-4344 or

o          For RESEARCH applicants: if you have more than one research project or participants paying from different funds, you must file a separate application for each project/fund.  The approximate duration of the proposed research project must be noted on the application.

o          For CLASS and FIELD TRIP applicants: a separate application must be submitted for each visit.

o          For all other visits: an application/reservation must be submitted for each visit. 

In addition, all non-UC users must sign a UC Risk Management liability waiver before using any station facilities. Release agreements for minors must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. It is the responsibility of the group leader (person who signs the applications) to find out who in their group must sign a release agreement and to ensure that they are on file with the reserve prior to the proposed visit. Not following our terms and conditions may result in additional charges on your final invoice.

ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE times are 12:00 P.M.

**CANCELLATION POLICY:  WMRC reserves the right to charge applicants for the dates and number of participants stated on their reservation, unless changes are emailed to at least seven (7) days prior to the arrival date on the reservation.

CAMPFIRES due to dangerous drought and fire conditions, campfires, stoves, and other open flamed devices are prohibited on ALL station grounds, NO EXCEPTIONS!

SMOKING and vaping is prohibited on all station grounds.

FIREARMS are prohibited on any UC property at any time, pursuant to the California Penal Code, Sections 629.9 (h) and 629.9 (i).

PETS will not be accommodated at WMRC, but there are options for boarding your pet in Bishop. WMRC Staff may request special permission to have their pets on Station grounds.

FOOD is not allowed in dormitories due to deer mice and Hantavirus. Please keep your food in designated areas and keep kitchens tidy.

VISITORS are allowed on a short-term basis and with prior approval from WMRC Main Office staff.

QUIET HOURS daily from 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.

WMRC is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.

WMRC has very limited accommodations for long-term users accompanied by family. We cannot guarantee privacy to individuals or couples and may not be able to accommodate children because most of our lodging is in dormitories. Children must be fully supervised by their parents or guardians whenever they are at the Center. 

Groups and individual researchers are required to participate in kitchen / housekeeping chores for ALL spaces used by the group. Leaders of each group should organize a schedule for their groups to help with kitchen details. Please see the cook for specifics. At the time of departure, group leaders and individuals should ask a WMRC staff member to inspect their living quarters and bathrooms for cleanliness. Users who do not comply with this policy will be charged the current staff assistance hourly rate to cover staff time for cleaning up.

PLEASE NOTE THAT CELL SERVICE IS SPOTTY IN THE WHITE MOUNTAINS so call before you head up Highway 168, also call if you are going to be late (after 6:00 P.M.). Please contact the Scheduling Coordinator to receive the phone number of on-shift staff.

Annual Summary of Research Project: Please provide the following information by the following June 30 of each year (the summary and list of publications will be published in the UC NRS Annual Report and on the UC NRS Web Page).

•          A summary of your research accomplishments, including the title of the project, a list of all participants and their affiliations.

•          A list of your current publications based on research done on the reserve (complete references), any conference proceedings, abstracts, and technical reports (one bound copy only of theses and dissertations), resulting from your research. Please acknowledge the UC NRS, UCLA White Mountain Research Center in any publication resulting from use of the reserve.

•          Source of funding for your project, dates of funding, and the funding amount.

•          Reprints and brief abstracts of all work completed in the eastern Sierra/White Mountain region should be sent or e-mailed to: Gaylene Kinzy (, UC WMRC, 3000 East Line Street, Bishop, CA, 93514.

WMRC Code of Conduct



Non-UCLA Contacts

Wild Iris Family Counseling & Crisis Center, Bishop, CA

24/7 Hotline 1(877) 873-7384

UCLA Contacts

UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Report an incident:

General Guidance: (310) 825-3935

UCNRS Code of Conduct